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Frequently asked questions
E function smoothie recipes are most useful if you couple of them with intermittent fasting. In an ideal situation, you would push your first meal as late in the day as possible. Then, you would break the fast with one of the E function smoothie recipes. The recipes are actually titled based off of what each smoothly attempts to help you accomplish.
You can actually drink a smoothie every day if you’d like. However, in the best case scenario you should rotate the smoothies instead of relying on the same smoothie every day. Do not drink the same smoothie more than three times within the same week. Do you want to practice rotating the smoothies so that you can get a rainbow of nutrients in your body instead of the same ones over and over again. This is the same process you should do with your vegetables and your fruit within your daily life. You should rotate them so that you’re not eating the same thing every single day. Our bodies thrive off of variety.
Yes, he function smoothie recipes 2.0 has diabetic friendly recipes with in. And there are four diabetic friendly recipes, but most of the recipes can also be easily modified to accommodate a strict diabetic diet. It is also important to note, that nutritionists have changed the way they think and approach the diabetic diet. With a more focused and modern approach to diabetes nutrition management, there are a number of nutritionist that would see the value in labeling more than four recipes as diabetic friendly.
The E function smoothie recipes 2.0 are designed based off of clinically proven ingredients that are clinically proven to improve and support erectile function as well as prostate health. The ingredients stand out and stand alone and can be eaten Throughout the day and not placed into a smoothie. As you read through the smoothie recipes you will learn which foods fall into the category of being clinically proven to help boost erectile function. Armed with that knowledge you can then go to the grocery store and eat out whenever you like, always knowing how you can eat for your erections
Please note that dietary nitrates in green leafy veggies and beets begin to work for most people within 3-4 hours of ingesting them.
Smoothies require that you chew. Chewing has been scientifically proven to lower the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates hunger. That means when you check your nutrients you have the added benefit of feeling full longer. Smoothies also leave valuable fiber behind for your body to digest. Fiber helps balance the sugar content of the smoothies. Juices are stripped of the fiber and lead to a quick insulin and blood sugar spike.
For most people, the smoothie serves as a meal substitute. Each recipe makes about two servings. Feel free to share with your person or freeze the remaining smoothie for later. Ideally, you should break your morning fast with your E-Function Smoothie.
You should of course consult your physician first before trying any of them.
These recipes are based on science and experience. The concept of improving flood flow, repairing the lining of the blood vessels, and increasing stamina is an important part of overall health whether we are speaking about men or women.
Everyone is different. This is why it is important to discuss the recipes with the physician who prescribed the medication for you. However, for most men it is safe to do so.
Please buy organic if and when it is available. Non-organic beets have more nitric oxide boosting nitrates than the organic variety.
Yes! Freshly frozen is fine. As a matter fact, if you blend frozen fruit and vegetables, you may not need as much ice. When you buy fruit and veggies and you know they aren’t getting used, stick them in a freezer safe container, and freeze them for your smoothies.
E-Function Smoothie Recipes are designed for you to cycle through them. Rotate the smoothies so that you don’t drink the same smoothie more than 3 times a week.
Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds in a lot of healthy foods. Some people are more sensitive to oxalates. If you suffer from any of the following, you may be sensitive to oxalates: If you have an autoimmune issue, if you have a history of kidney stones, if you have kidney disease, if you have gut or bowel disease or issues. If you have a history of any of the above, then you have to discuss E-Function Smoothie Recipes 2.0 with your healthcare team. If you decide to proceed, you may decide to focus on using low oxalate vegetables to substitute some of the high oxalate vegetables. It is also important to note, that the higher levels of vitamin C and antioxidants within E-Function Smoothie Recipes 2.0, can help counteract the impact of high oxalate food items. High oxalate vegetables and fruit include: spinach, beets, pomegranate, Swiss chard, blueberries, almonds, pistachios, cocoa, Low oxalate vegetables which can be substituted within the recipes include: collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, kale. celery, arugula, cucumber, cabbage, bok choy, turnips,
Every vegetable or fruit used within these recipes has varying levels of nitrates and oxidants within them. The levels actually depend on the level of nitrates that are within the soil that they are grown in. If you find that a variety of these food items are not available where you live, you should search for other naturally occurring fruit and vegetables that are nitrate rich. Some of these items within the recipes may hold different names where you live. You will have to do some level of research.
E-Function Smoothie Recipes 2.0 use ingredients that have been scientifically proven to improve erectile function, boost nitric oxide levels, and combat free radical damage that has occurred through the years. These ingredients are strategically blended together into delicious smoothies . Use the ingredient shopping list to stock your fridge and cabinets full of items known to improve E-Function.
There are a total of 17 smoothie recipes written within E-Function Smoothie Recipes 2.0. 4 of them are written as “diabetic friendly.” As a diabetic you must first first consult your healthcare team. Recent advances in medicine now recognize that things which were once considered to be not healthy for diabetics, in fact hold some health value. For example, honey was once considered to be something that all diabetics should avoid, now we recognize that honey has healing properties.