Ep.16 - The Wide Range of Healing From Cupping Therapy, A Conversation with Dr. Tom Ingegno, and The Best E-Function Smoothies For Women

Dr. Rachael May 15, 2024
Ep.16 - The Wide Range of Healing From Cupping Therapy, A Conversation with Dr. Tom Ingegno, and The Best E-Function Smoothies For Women

Hello and welcome to another whirlwind adventure into the esoteric world of traditional healing! Today, we're getting sucked into the fascinating realm of cupping therapy, thanks to our expert guest, Dr. Tom Ingenio. No, it's not about drinking competitions—though that might be equally thrilling.

Cupping therapy might sound like something Dracula might get into, but it’s actually a superb method for pain relief, inflammation reduction, and boosting blood flow, without the need for neck biting. Dr. Rachel, the host of "Give Me An Easy" podcast, navigates this journey, ensuring we don't miss out on the fun bits.

Let’s set the scene: Dr. Rachel, a beacon of quirky charm, dives into the conversation with an enthusiasm that could wake the ancient healers from their graves. She probes into the cupping process which, let's be honest, sounds a bit like a torture technique from a medieval dungeon. But fear not! It’s all about healing and good vibes.

Dr. Tom Ingenio, not just an acupuncture guru but also a traditional East Asian medicine aficionado, elaborates on how everything from acupuncture to dietary advice can help keep your body in check, much like a finely tuned orchestra. He insists that these methods are all about balance—imagine trying to balance a cup of coffee on a stack of books; that's your body under cupping therapy.

And then there's the highlight—the ultimate stiffness question of the week (let’s pause for a giggle). It turns out everyone, regardless of gender, can benefit from the magical concoctions in Dr. Rachel's "E Function Smoothie Book." Yes, even those smoothies can help you find your balance, in more ways than one.

In true form, Dr. Rachel doesn't shy away from the less glamorous aspects, either. She addresses potential bruising—a souvenir of the cupping session. Think of it as a temporary tattoo proclaiming, "I survived traditional healing!"

To wrap it up, if you’ve ever wondered whether ancient practices can coexist with modern medicine, Dr. Tom makes a compelling case. It’s not about replacing one with the other but integrating both to achieve wellness. So, next time you're considering a wellness boost, maybe give cupping a shot. Who knows? You might just be a suction cup away from feeling fabulous!

Stay tuned, subscribe for more, and remember to live free and go hard. And maybe try a smoothie or two; they’re not just for breakfast anymore!

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